Society vs. Video Games Pt.III – The Mainstream Media

Before I get started, let me get this off my chest. The mainstream media (TV news and newspapers) can be looked at a reliable source. I always watch it to keep up with what’s going on in the world, but in the recent years, the media has shown how shallow they can be. As much…

The Mental and Social Health of Game Developers

The mental health of any human should always be taken seriously. Stress is a natural part of life. We’ve all gone through it, I’ve gone through it, you’ve probably gone through it, and game developers especially suffer from these types of problems. The thought of trying to meet deadlines for any game or DLC is critical….

Society vs. Video Games Pt.II (Cont.) – Anita Sarkeesian

Depending on where you stand, Feminism is looked at as a bad thing or a good thing. Now these types of discussions are always touched upon, but when it is brought into the world of gaming, it becomes very controversial; mostly because of the way the topic is approached as well as the way people…

Society vs. Video Games Pt.II – Women in Games

I know a lot of you gamers just sighed and rolled your heads in annoyance, and I completely agree. Look, let’s be honest here, video games are meant for entertainment purposes, but there are times where they can portray some form of political and/or deep philosophical message. Now, I am all for women in gaming….

Society vs. Video Games Pt.I – Can Video Games Harmful to the Mind?

I’m pretty sure that every gamer has heard the old “video games rot your brain” or “playing to many video games aren’t good for you” sometime in their lives. Whether it’s from your parents, grandparents (who are often the ones to say it) or some random person on the streets who sees you playing on…